Saturday, October 10, 2009

Space Ocean

Tim Fuchs (25 minutes ago) call
Hey Adam, I want to talk about garve on myspace. I love that you know endowed. It is planet. And when you're around. I got ice cream. It was really good his space experience and then after that we with Mitchell lodge a movie and there is. Rosalee weird. I don't really like you very much. Aerospace in the space port and then wrong with him and his head in his Paris care over there and i involve a there from space and I had a spaceship. So we can spaceship Andrew into the space ocean and I was. I was pretty cool. There's kind of space windy though. Bye and then when you're done doing that, man, We're back to the house and there live in space that resilient and their space. Every just eat. Hey, just you. What was I was kinda not a different and and I think you're ugly.

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